

Duizend1 is proud to work with various partners to realise its mission in the most effective and efficient way.

Gemeente Bloemendaal
The Gemeente Bloemendaal has offered generous support during the creation of Duizend1 and provided a subsidy for 2017 in order to bring down employers’ fees, thus making it attractive for them to hire refugees.

Tentoo Payroll
This first Payroll Service in The Netherlands, coincidentally also originating in Bloemendaal, takes care of the professional processing of salary administration for both employee and employer. Tentoo also covers other risks, such as illness and disability.

Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland
Together with the supervisors of Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland, who have extensive knowledge of the refugees’ personal situations, we aim to do everything in our power to provide suitable placements for the employees and to offer them a working environment in which they can take the first steps towards permanent paid work, while being able to continue the mandatory integration education process.

With thanks